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Neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback that trains your brain to function more efficiently. It uses sensors to detect your brainwave activity and provides real-time feedback through audio or visual cues to guide you toward desirable brain states.

Neurofeedback can be beneficial for various conditions, including anxiety, depression, ADHD, sleep problems, chronic pain, and brain injuries. It can also improve focus, memory, and athletic performance.

Neurofeedback is considered a safe and non-invasive procedure. No medication or stimulation is involved, and the process is simply training your brain to function optimally.

The number of sessions needed varies depending on the individual and the condition being addressed. Typically, 40-60 sessions are recommended to see significant results, with additional sessions for further optimization.

While insurance coverage for neurofeedback is growing, it’s best to check with your individual provider to confirm their coverage policies.

During a session, you’ll sit comfortably in a chair while sensors are placed on your scalp. You’ll watch a video or listen to music, and when your brain activity moves into desired patterns, you’ll receive positive feedback, encouraging your brain to learn and adapt.

Neurofeedback is completely painless. The sensors used are gentle and simply detect your brainwave activity.

Some individuals may experience mild temporary side effects like fatigue or headaches, which typically resolve within a short period.

Neurofeedback poses no known risks when performed by a qualified practitioner. However, it’s crucial to choose a clinic with experienced professionals and ensure you disclose any pre-existing medical conditions.

The cost of neurofeedback varies depending on the number of sessions required. Contact us for specific information about our fees.

Come well-rested and avoid caffeine and alcohol for at least 24 hours before your session. Wear comfortable clothing and arrive with an open mind and a willingness to learn and experience this powerful training tool.

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